Watching The Social Dilemma. Big tech manipulation and control is the biggest threat for our future in my opinion.

Tristan Harris a former Design Ethicist at Google understands this threat.
"Two billion people will have thoughts they didn't intend to have because a designer at Google said, "This is how notifications work"" - Tristan Harris
Much like training a dog with a bell or a clicker, we're being trained by our notifications.

Actionable notifications trigger a specific, simple behavior.

Some notifications are to spark interest.

Big tech has spent countless hours just on developing effective notifications.
"Because we don't pay for the products that we use, advertisers pay for the products that we use. Advertisers are the customers. We're the thing being sold." - Aza Raskin, former Firefox & Mozilla employee.
If you're not paying for the product, you are the product.

Big tech`s business model is to keep people engaged on the screen.

They try to determine how much of your life they can get you to give to them.
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