Everyday my best friend has to wake up and think about how she could have died in her sleep from SUDEP. Saskatchewan still doesn't have an epilepsy unit. @SaskParty @Sask_NDP What will you do to speed up the treatment process for people with epilepsy if you are elected?
One of my best friends neurologists just died. Someone who has been important in her treatment since she was a teenager. She has up to several seizures every single night. She experiences physical and psychological pain every single day. She is disabled and cannot work.
She began to have seizures again 3 years ago. She has had thousands of seizures in the past 3 years. She should be having brain surgery but the surgery keeps getting pushed back. How is this not a life or death emergency, considering SUDEP?
The medications she is on takes a huge toll. The seizures cause so much physical and mental pain. Have you ever had to experience being this aware of your morality everyday? @PremierScottMoe @ryanmeili Fund an epilepsy unit. It's a matter of life and death.
Now she has to experience the grief of losing such an important part of her medical treatment on top of all of the pain and complications having epilepsy brings. It's so hard living in a society where the average person will never understand.
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