Gramsci: A Bolshevik [A Thread]

One of the greatest lies spread about Gramsci by opportunists and revisionists is the alleged distance between his positions and those supported by Lenin and Stalin, and consequently his closeness to the ideas of Trotsky...
By studying Gramsci and his great works, we can conclude such a belief is disconnected from reality.

In 1924, Gramsci criticised Trotsky and Bordiga, drawing parallels between the two;
In the following year... pursuing the bolshevikisation of the party, Gramsci asserted that Trotskyist view on American "super-capitalism" were dangerous and to be rejected.
In the same report, Gramsci criticised Trotsky yet again, and made clear warnings against factionalism, following the footsteps of Lenin;
Gramsci warned several times against factionalism, calling Trotsky dangerous as such a split could greatly benefit the international bourgeoisie who would take the advantage of the situation.

With regards to the struggle engaged in by CC OF RCP (B) against Trotsky, Zinoviev etc;
His accusations against the anti-Leninist opposition were harsh and very clear.... he further wrote;
Gramsci made his stance on permanent revolution clear as well;
After having compared Lenin and Trotsky, Gramsci added;
Finally, on Stalin, Gramsci writes;
There is a lot more to say and cover. But this thread should give the general idea!

Defend Marxism-Leninism (today Maoism)!
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