Let me save you some time: I spent the last decade of my career covering three of the most consequential elections in American history, wrote and produced the most watched and respected news program in the country, and won a pair of Emmys for investigative journalism. https://twitter.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1313602304151482369
The idea that "My vote doesn't matter because I live in a very [POLITICAL PARTY] state" is dangerous and stupid, especially in a time when there are politicians actively trying to get you to think that way AND trying to take people's votes away from them.
And while I know you made sure to specify "presidential election" - It's also important to remember a few things:
- There are a TON of things on a presidential ballot that still need your vote
- Many of those things don't break down along electoral college or party lines
- Many people vote for presidents and FORGET to vote on other portions of the ballot
Also, a huge portion of the voters only vote in presidential election years, and neglect to get involved in off-years. And the idea that your presidential vote doesn't matter because of the electoral college quickly begets the idea that your vote doesn't matter anywhere.
THAT'S how elections work. And at a time where the battle lines are so clearly drawn, the stakes are so high, and the disinformation is so strong -- using your platform to say your vote doesn't matter is not only myopic and incorrect... it is dangerous.
This was a squash, but the people are still giving it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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