This simply sounds like virtue signalling vacuousness on part of @dioceseoflondon I have had 4 issues that I raised under safeguarding in this diocese in the last 2 years & due diligence & process has not been followed in any of them. 3 have involved 1/6
clergy of the @HTB network & 3 have raised issues around the spiritual & emotional abuse & safeguarding of LGBTQIA+ people in the diocese. So there are at least 3 issues that if we want to move beyond virtue signalling that we needs to act on now: 1) since episcopal 2/6
structure is faulted: propose reforms to nature of the episcopacy that democratises it, limits powers, makes decision making transparent & establishes robust scrutiny 2) prevent the corrupt economic leverage wielded by large church networks that undermines biblical principles 3/6
of common ownership of goods & economic & social justice & leads to different & more ‘favourable’ treatment for their clergy 3) take seriously that part of the #IICSA report which says: “taboos surrounding discussion of sexuality... presented barriers to disclosure that 4/6
many victims could not overcome” which in our own diocese aids the continuing abuse of LGBTQIA+ people in the bishops’ name & which is truly morally appalling. Finally IICSA's concerns featured:
- clericalism
- tribalism
- lack of concern for victims
- unholy mess around 5/6
homosexuality, allowing
'sexual abusers... to mask their behaviour “in the same
cultural hiding place.“ What are we actually going to do rather than just say to address that in @dioceseoflondon!? @bpedmonton @JonathanKester @RatchelG @seaofcomplicity @Richard_Scorer @NatSecSoc
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