1/3 Article that keeps making me nod:

"Politics tends to make us hate each other….We tend to view political debate not as reasonable disputes about how to best achieve our shared aims but as a battle between the forces of light and darkness." https://reason.com/2020/10/05/political-ignorance-is-bliss/
2/3 Our partisan commitments are beginning to swallow up the rest of our identities.

(But) politics needn't be a Frankenstein's monster of religious zeal and sports fanaticism.

How could we move ourselves in that direction?
3/3 One option is to take opportunities to work with out-party members in nonpolitical settings—adopt a highway or volunteer with Habitat for Humanity.

It also might be worth trying to tie your social identity to nonpolitical affiliations.


Attn: #IrshadManji
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