I hear there’s drama with #causaltwitter creating an accidental dude party, so here’s a thread of some of the women of causal inference you should know about (epidemiology & stats edition)

First, the obligatory plug for me ( @epiellie) and my @casualinfer podcast cohost @LucyStats. Both of us work on improving causal inference methods and on improving how people learn & talk about causal inference.
Out in California, @MariaGlymour and her amazing mentees, including @ER_Mayeda, @SFAckley, and @AnushaVable, are doing so many amazing things to solve causal inference challenges in dementia & social epi.

(while there, don’t forget @oacarah who is not a woman but still amazing)
Here in Boston and nearby, there are a ton of great alumnae of the Harvard Program on Causal Inference, including @elliecaniglia, @JessGeraldYoung, @barbradickerman, @gli942, @louisahsmith, @CausalKathy, @isabelfulcher, and @MissLodi (I’m sure there’s more, so plz tag!)
In the Venn diagram of causal inference women @sherrirose is in the overlap bubble—she was at Harvard & is now very recently in California. With @laura_tastic, she oversees an amazing team of causal inference women, incl @ambilinski, @slbergquist, @Samrachana_Adh, & @toyyapujol
In the mid-Atlantic, there’s the dream team of @edwardsjk and @leskocar who are so insanely productive that it blows my mind, plus causal inference heavyweights @BetsyOgburn, @WhitneyEpi & @Lizstuartdc.
There are a ton of great women in causal inference at or alumnae of McGill. I don’t know everyone, but some names to start include Erica Moodie (is she on twitter?) & @haileybanack.
On the other side of the pond, Sonja Swanson (not on twitter) runs a fantastic group at Erasmus MC, including @palolili23 & others who I think are not on twitter(?).
Then there’s @JLRohman & her group in Berlin doing some fun stuff with collaborative DAGs
I’m sure I’m missing people, but I’m running out of steam. If you’re interested in learning more about causal inference, give these superstar women a follow! You wont regret it.
h/t @NoahHaber from whom I learned about the accidental dude party drama 😂
You can follow @EpiEllie.
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