Me Oog! Oog eat meat. Oog like meat raw with WORMS in it. Taste slimy. Taste good! Worms make Oog strong!
Wagga from OTHER tribe put meat on fire. Cook meat?! Why? Too hot for mouth. Wagga say fire kill worms, make better. NO WORMS? Fire RUIN meat. Wagga dumb!
Now some in Oog tribe cook meat? Not Oog. Cooked meat looks weak. No worms make you wimp! Oog mock meat-cookers. Oog anti-cook! Wagga still dumb!
Uh-oh. Oog sick. Oog’s belly feel like river in storm. Oog body hot like embers. Much sweat. But Oog no want look weak, so Oog go to woods with hunting party. Catch more meat!
Oog feel awful. Oog stomach-water spit up through Oog mouth. Worm meat spit up too. Insides hurt. Hunting party carry Oog home.
Most of tribe care for Oog now. Wife tells Oog it because Oog no put meat on fire. Says worms make Oog sick. Is Wife dumb too?
Oog shivering cold, so all tribe give Oog their pelts. Oog spit up more so Oog tribe give him tribe’s food. Much suffering to try keep Oog from dying. But at least Oog not wimp like Wagga.
Tribe yell at Oog to cook meat. Wife yell at Oog to cook meat. Say fire kill worms. Oog surprised! Ancestors always eat meat with worms. Now tribe say it NOT good? Who to trust?
Oog hate being sick. Not know WHY sick. Meat with worms not PROVEN to make belly spit up.
Oog almost die. Learn a lot from experience.
Oog feeling great! Back to hunt and eat raw meat! Oog no eat cook meat! Do not be afraid to eat worms! Do not let worms dominate your life! No cook meat! Oog no die, therefore ignore entire experience! WOOOO!
Wagga still put meat on fire like wimp. Call Oog dumb for eat worm-meat. So wrong! Oog no cook meat. Oog set in ways! Oog project strength! Me stronger than worms. Oog invincible! NO BE LIKE WAGGA. BE LIKE OOG.
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