Since starting my program I've raised fears that I have about being a Black Woman Therapist (in training) in MN and having to work with a client who is racist and each time I just get a "yeah that sounds like a tough thing to have to consider" and that's it.
Like...I don't want to say I'm being failed cuz that's a bit dramatic. But like...that's something I need to be prepared for. And I'm worried about being in a situation where a clients racism would just be twisted to be my fault for not being an effective therapist
Related - conversations about multiculturalism/competence feel so odd and not useful to me. Like the questions are always phrased and want to be answered from this inherent racial neutrality (eg. whiteness) and how to engage with a nonwhite client...and
Like in class we had a discussion about whether a therapist should open up discussions of identity and such early on, and disclose any identities. And I had to raise my hand and say:
1. There's nothing to disclose? It's very clear that I'm a Black woman. So how do I do that. "Hey, in case you didn't notice when you came in here - I'm BLACK, just FYI"??
2. Again...because I'm a Black woman. If a white client comes into my therapy room, and I start talking about identities...that could quickly become unsafe for me. Because, well, yt people generally don't like being made aware of the fact that they are white.
Like if I was a white therapist, and thus, viewed as "neutral", I feel initiating space to talk about identity could be useful, especially for marginalized clients to know that it is a safe space to discuss race and culturally related concerns
But as a Black therapist. That is an odd question for me to answer because it's not just a "theoretical" question for me. Depending on my client's identity, it could create a dangerous environment for me, or damage our therapeutic relationship
Idk I'm just ranting. And a bit frustrated. And just constantly feeling like a lot of this training isn't made with me in mind. Lol. Wait no, i KNOW, that it's just really annoying
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