Thread: why gender transition isn't 'Conversion Therapy'

Firstly, what is 'Conversion Therapy'?
Most sources agree that it is the practice of trying to forcibly change a person's sexual orientation from non-heterosexual to heterosexual.
The methods involved range from outright genital torture with electric shocks when viewing erotic stimuli, to 'praying away the gay' in an evangelical setting, where being gay is professed to be a disease of the spirit that must be healed.
It can pretty conclusively be agreed that conversion therapy amounts to torture, abuse and manipulation.
And it doesn't work. There are no verifiable claims that it is effective in changing someone's sexual orientation long term.
So is gender transition similar in ANY way?
Short answer: no.
Long answer: god no, what the fuck are you smoking?

Gender transition is undertaken at the request of the subject, whereas conversion therapy is almost always forced. Sure, some self-hating gay people might request conversion therapy, but they are uncommon.
Gender transition has none of the torture, abuse and manipulation aspects of conversion therapy.
Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is done at the request of the trans person. Nor could any of it be considered torture; there is no electroshock, no forced masturbation, no abuse.
At any time a trans person is free to walk away from the process if they don't like it - whereas conversion therapy nearly always happens under duress; often in facilities where the victims are isolated and unable to escape.
Basically, they are not comparable at all.
Gender transition is also back by the world leaders in psychology and medicine, the APA and the AMA, whereas conversion therapy is not.
Not only is gender transition not conversion therapy, it's considered the best, most effective, and most humane treatment for trans people.
The success rate of therapeutic gender transition is recorded as being as high as 98%, which is higher than practically any other medical treatment, and would be considered miraculous in any other context.
The success rate of conversion therapy is ZERO.
So I hope this thread has cleared up how transitioning isn't even remotely similar to conversion therapy, and you now have some tools for debunking the bigots who claim they are the same.
Have a great day, and stay tuned for more threads debunking Gender Critical propaganda🏳️‍🌈
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