This is a lie so here are some facts:

1. There is no such thing as abortion beyond birth.
2. On average, less than 2% of abortions occur after the 21st week of gestation. These procedures are almost always done out of medical necessity for the mother or child.
3. Since the national legalization of abortions in 1973, abortions after the first trimester have significantly decreased. Why? Increased access to and knowledge about safe, legal abortion.
4. Among mothers under 15, 1/5 procedures are performed after the first trimester. This same group is one of the most likely to obtain an abortion after 21 weeks.


They are likely to have irregular menstruation, fear of repercussion, and lack of education and resources.
If you actually care: direct your energy towards comprehensive sex education, access to contraception and healthcare, and doing more to protect that child after it’s born.

If you don’t, you’re not pro-life. You only care about restricting women.
So anyways vote no on amendment 1
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