I live in one of those blue cities that FOX fearmongers as "liberal hellholes" "antifa warzones" "communist nightmares" etc. So let me take you on a lil tour of this leftist hellscape I live in. Let's start with the MANY free food stands where neighbors share groceries/produce 1/
The @FoodisFreeTacom program encourages people to share the extra food they grow in their own gardens, and also share extra canned and packaged foods they don't need. Anyone can take, give, and participate. Here's a full pantry of food donated by neighbors. The horror! 2/
This house in my neighborhood has gone beyond free food and created a free market of goods, where anyone can drop off stuff they don't need and take things donated by others. They're called "Proper Cultism," and they believe in supporting local artists. The HORROR!! 3/
We also have DOZENS of @LtlFreeLibrary boxes around the neighborhood. Here's one of my favorites, decorated by kids with LEGOs. And just today one of our local comic shops @DestinyCityComx donated comics to all the neighborhood free libraries. 4/
"Surely your neighborhood must be filled with 20-something anarchists who want to burn down the system!" Not at all. It's a family town. Here are some of the many adorable signs made by kids encouraging voting. The Biden/Harris one is made with stickers. 5/
Speaking of kids, another thing our neighborhood likes to share is their play equipment. People go out of their way to set up swings and basketball hoops on the sidewalks where anyone can use them. This is the hellscape you can look forward to when Democrats take over! 6/
Our newest local PUBLIC grade school has a special focus on the expressive arts, and was designed as an art and maker space that is also a community park and built with special needs accessibility in mind. Kids even got to vote on the playground's color palette. NIGHTMARE! 7/
Signs like these are EVERYWHERE, letting you know that in this communist heathen town, all people are accepted and welcome and valued. Total shithole! 8/
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