That's a premature question. The work is not over yet, and may not be over for many months.

But ... since you ask ... some guesses: 1/x
Some Never Trumpers will settle permanently into what started as a temporary political home. They will have supported Democrats in 2016, 2018, 2020 and will never return. 2/x
Other Never Trumpers may feel that their political work is done with the defeat of Trump. They'll exit political life altogether for other pursuits and interests. About half the time, I feel this will be my own answer. 3/x
But some - and I hope I'm describing here the younger Never Trumpers like @HeathMayo and the @BulwarkOnline crew - will stay and fight the good fight for a non-reactionary conservatism, a non-fascist Republican party. 4/x
The US is designed to be a two-party system. Maybe that can and should change, but that's what it is. And it's dangerous to have one of the two parties so weakly committed to democratic norms and institutions. America needs a decent Republicanism, a regenerated conservatism 5/x
So just as democratic Spain had to rethink what it means to be "conservative" post-Franco, just as people in eastern Germany had to purge the old communists from democratic Left ... so there's a mighty work to be done on the American center-right. 6/x
It will not be easy work. It means doing battle with some of the wealthiest and most powerful veto groups in American life. But it's work worth doing. I hope I'll live to see it done. END
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