Small rant:
I have this one friend on fb who shares a lot of political stuff and I agree with his views like, 95%. But when Biden announced he was running for POTUS, he said he refused to vote for him. Granted, this was before Sanders dropped out and we’re both hella Bernie 1/
supporters, so I sort of agreed with him.
Cut to, idk, a week ago when, obviously, we were down to the 2 main candidates and he said he still refuses to vote for Biden. He keeps a close eye on 3rd party candidates (which is fair, you do you). He commented on a mutual friend’s 2/
post where they said they hated both candidates (again fair, everyone has their own views) and didn’t know who to vote for, or if they should vote at all.
Cue the Dude, who brought up names of 3rd party candidates and suggested doing research on a specific one of them. 3/
And it... sort of irked me a little.
I agree 1000% that the two party system is bullshit and that the Founding Fathers are perpetually rolling over in their graves because of the mess that is this country as a result of it, and that we NEED change in the way our political 4/
system functions. I’m not educated enough to say how, so I won’t, but bottom line is that it needs reform.
But now is not the time to do it. There isn’t enough time. Election Day is less than a month away.
From what I can tell, this friend of mine still refuses to vote for 5/
Biden. Once again (as I think he did in 2016, unless he did a write in) he is voting 3rd party (I think). Maybe I’m being dramatic (I don’t think so) but in my eyes, not voting, a 3rd party vote, or a write-in, is essentially a vote for Trump. 6/
No, I don’t agree with everything Biden has said and promised. I don’t agree with all of his beliefs. But I’d much, much rather have him as our President than Trump. A thousand times over.
I don’t need to gesture broadly at everything for you to see how fucked up this country 7/
is after (less than) 4 years under a Trump presidency. If you don’t see it, doing that broad gesture would be useless because you’re choosing to turn a blind eye. That means you’re choosing to be blind to the 210,000+ people who are DEAD because of Trump’s 8/
absolutely HORRENDOUS dealing of Covid-19. It means you’re overlooking the fact that our country is on fire because of irreversible climate change that Trump calls a ‘hoax’. You’re closing your eyes to the systemic racism spread much like a disease itself across our land. 9/
You’re pretending there aren’t LITERAL CHILDREN locked in CAGES at our border. I could go on, for so, so very long. This thread could probably end up novel-sized, if printed out. 10/
No, Joe Biden is not the perfect candidate. That isn’t something that exists. But he’s 100000% better than Trump, and refusing to vote or voting 3rd party is letting Trump win. Again. And subjecting us to 4 more years of blasphemy and destruction.
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