Stuart's father's action did not change the course of history. The Japanese-Americans were still interned. It changed the course of Stuart's father's life. He went to fight in the South Pacific instead, where he could have been killed. Later, Stuart asked: "why?"

Stuart's father answered: "You can always say 'No.'"

That's a saying to keep in mind in the coming weeks and months, as former Trumpers reinvent themselves - and explain how they only supported Trump because this or that blue-checkmark personality was disagreeable to them. 3/x
"You can always say 'No.' "

A lot of people said Yes. They will want you to believe that it was someone else's fault.

They were forced to say Yes by the liberal media, by campus radicals, etc.

It will be, as it has been, all a lie.

"You can always say No."

They said Yes.
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