'securing the bag' is a creation of the capitalist superstructure that makes us believe that resources are finite, so we better get that $$$ before someone else takes 'our' piece of the pie. This is compounded by race and gender and intergenerational poverty.
Of course black/women's liberation must happen. in our current framework it can only really happen through economic means, where securing the bag is a fuck you to white supremacy/patriarchy.

As valid as that is it doesn't free us from the very limits of those oppressions.
Until then, cishet WS patriarchy will allow for some of its oppressed to secure bags as long as they are palatable and not radical. This is a feint to show the rest of us its 'gentler' face to make us believe we too can achieve wealth. And further push its agenda.
An enduring strength of oppressions, and perhaps especially WS, is to be flexible and mutable, adjusting to the norms of acceptability of the day to show 'look we've changed' . It's not its rigidity that shapes its strength but it's adaptability to exclude in more nuanced ways.
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