From beauty standards to right wing extremism, Anti Black Racism is an issue that must be challenged in order to break the chain of racism that exists within the South Asian Community. Let's talk about it, shall we?
@DrCSTaylor #blackhistory130
Anti Blackness is an issue that the South Asian Community has been especially quiet about, because the community itself is a contributor to the problem. Toxic mindsets passed down through generations are reasons as to why the community has turned a blind eye to the BLM Movement.
Beauty standards! The South Asian Community had created a few beauty standards for itself that portrayed fair skin as beautiful, while making darker skin seem 'undesirable'. Consequently, skin lightening products are in high demand in S.A communities. Colourism at its finest.
Colorism is just one of many instances. South Asian communities have contributed to Anti Blackness through appropriating Blackness, model minority myth, whitening of religious deities, supporting racist leaders, not challenging racist family members, fear of Black people and MORE
Anti Blackness in S.A groups start with parents raising their children to believe that they shouldn't associate with Black people. As a South Asian myself, I have had people in my own community advise me to not have Black friends or even marry Black
Other examples of Anti Blackness in the South Asian community include resenting or ignoring the BLM movement. Common phrases heard in the SA community include "stay in my lane" or "it is not my problem", all of which contribute to Anti Black racism, using the bystander effect.
The concept of Anti Blackness and colorism in South Asia developed during the 1600s when British colonialism was expanding in South Asian states. South Asian Communities were forced to assimilate into British culture and beliefs, including the concepts Whiteness and colourism.
The Anti Black Racism in South Asian communities must be challenged, and here are some ways how. First, be aware of what actions are promoting Anti Blackness. In other words, educate yourself and raise awareness. Social media platforms are a great way to address the issue!
Address the issue. If you notice Anti Blackness in the S.A community, speak up. Have a productive conversation with them about the issue. South Asians are victim to racism and oppression as well, so we must teach them the duty we have to stand in solidarity against racism.
A lot of Anti Black Racism in South Asian Communities begin at home. But CHANGE also happens at home. Confront a family member if you notice them practicing racist behaviour! Break the chain of racism being passed down through generations in the South Asian culture.
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