Nobody voted On my stupid poll, but I’m deacribing me and my ex best friends friendship anyways,

So, we became friends in Kindergarten. I was sitting backwards in my chair and she had came to tell me to stop. I got mad because I thought she was being rude, but it turned out she was trying to help me. We became friends soon after this +
+ incident and hung out all the time!
2nd Grade.

2nd grade is the first time we started drifting from eachother. I became friends with a girl named Kayla and hung out with her more often. Kayla soon moved away and I went back to hanging out with this friend.
3rd Grade.

This year we befriended a new kid. One of my current best friends, we hung out a lot and really just had an amazing time. Us 3 performed at the talent show together!
4th Grade,

The new addition to our friend group moved schools, and so did I. I was here for half of a year while the new addition to the friend group was there the whole year and still goes there to this day.
5th Grade - Middle of 7th grade.

Pretty chill times. Nothing exciting happened besides meeting another new friend. This friend was dedicatef to causing trouble and being a bitch. Me and this friend had fights but ended up staying friends, until, the end of 7th grade.
End of 7th grade.

The main friend had stopped talking to me one day, with no reasons, the new friend (bitch one) was dedicating to making me lonely, having no friends and etc. The school counselor tried to help me and the main friend out but nothing worked, so +
+ we stopped being friends, she ended up being a jerk to me and many others for the rest of the year.a
PRESENT TIME! 8th grade.

Shes trying to be friendly? Idk it’s 2 days into irl school.
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