If somehow I woke up being voted as CTO of ZUPCO Bulawayo.

These are things I would likely do:
There is a need to increase the fleet of buses. This design of buses seems reliable & fit for our rough terrain roads. They offer morden general comfort. These coaches are way safer than the old AVM/DAF which pollute (oil, noise + gas fumes) the environment.

The CBD bus stations need to be constructed/Redesigned. The whole area 6th extention - 3rd Avanue and Lobengula could be mordenised to a suitable well lit (lights) area Mainly for Zupco. The other ones (City hall, Hyper) could follow suit in a morden way.

We have the hot summer or Rainy season. We could use some cover. But imagine the cover being solar powered & providing charging facilities & street cameras for night safety. Improvements like Wi-Fi could help with advanced payment systems or just surfing the net.

Moral of the story. Our Transport system needs young vibrant minds. Servicing is lacking & its questionable who is responsible for audits & why isn't there any change.

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