The Hunt for Red October is the debut novel by Tom Clancy, first published on October 1, 1984.

During the Cold War, Marko Ramius, a Soviet Navy submarine commander plans to defect with his officers to the U.S. onboard the ballistic missile submarine Red October.
The novel was adapted as a feature film, which was released in the US on March 2, 1990.

In the film The Soviet ambassador informs the U.S. government that Ramius is a RENEGADE, and asks for help in hunting & sinking the Red October.

Why did [Hussein, Barry] choose 'RENEGADE' as USSS codename?

Define 'Renegade'.


This makes me ask the question, is [Hussein] Red October?
The Hunt for Red October is apart of a 3 book collection with the titles being -

The Hunt for Red October
October 1984

The Cardinal of the Kremlin
May 1988

Patriot Games
July 1987
Red October is also another name for the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia led by Vladimir Lenin, also called Bolshevik Revolution -- in which the Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia, inaugurating the Soviet regime.

Remember Trumps calls Sanders 'Bolshevik Bernie'.
Red October was in 1917, is this why Trump kept referring to "The pandemic of 1917" during his daily live briefings?

The MSM was trying to push it belittling Trump saying it was in 1918, every time POTUS held his ground & said 1917. https://www.vox.com/2020/5/1/21243980/trump-1918-flu-pandemic-1917
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