Why you shouldn't use ϟ ;
-a thread
I'm making this thread to educate people because today I got attacked for calling someone out. Many people dont know the actual meaning and mistake it as Harry's scar.
First of all let us take a look at Harry's actual scar. Yes it does kinda look like ϟ but its flipped. It therefore holds a different meaning.
The ϟ was the symbol of the Hitler youth in nazi Germany
The SS (Schutzstaffel) wasn't originally written like this ϟϟ but it later got changed and was permanently printed with the runes
Apart from the swastika is one of the most known Nazi symbols. In Germany its punishable to use the symbol, yet Nazis still use it to recognize each other.
As I'm Jewish I'm constantly on the lookout for Nazi symbols (for my own safety)
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan myself so I get that if you're using it you probably don't mean any harm, yet its important to be educated. You could always use other symbols to identify other fans!
Here are others that you could use



9 ¾

I muted this now because I didn't think this would get any attention help
Because many people are rightfully concerned: I dont agree with JKR in the slightest. Shes a terf, gave the goblins every Jewish stereotype ever, EVERYTHING about cho chang really and just the whole series is entirely flawed. I like the universe but not because of her but of the
headcanons and the fandom. If you think JKR is a good human being or is right in any way please block me because that's nothing I want on my page.
Also I would like to point out that I am aware that the nazis never invented the symbol. Just like they didn't invent the swastika. I'm aware that each symbols hold entirely different meaning than what the nazis used them for but as I said as a jewish person I'm in the lookout.
Oh and fuck JKR :)
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