still alternately grinning & tearing up thinking about TMC's MacArthur win, & been reflecting all day on how much I've learned from her.

in celebration of her brilliance, I'd love it if you shared something #TressieTheGenius said/wrote/tweeted that's stuck with you. #TressieHive
as much as I value her academic contributions, I feel like I've learned even more from her about who and how I want to be in the world.

I think about this thing she said often:
TMC breaking down "smartness" is a forever fave passage from THICK:

"Smart is only a construct of correspondence, between one's abilities, one's environment, and one's moment in history. I am smart in the right way, in the right time, on the right end of globalization."
also can we talk about how TMC set the bar for academic book titles with "Lower Ed"?

a book. a hashtag. an ongoing conversation. a contribution to the lexicon.

shiiiiiiiieeeeet. I'd be lyin if I said I didn't aspire for my book's eventual title to be half as good.
this line in #LowerEd always gets me:

Being working poor & black & a mother means something in our society. What those things mean made the Beauty College a rational choice in the way that dousing your burning leg with cold water is rational: it helps but you are still scarred.
it's just such a gift to read a writer and thinker who is so sharp and able to turn her critical lens on the most difficult and pressing problems of our moment, but to do so with such an ethos of deep care and respect for the most marginalized among us.
the diff btwn "why do black people do [XYZ]" & "why are these the circumstances black people find themselves in? why are these the choices available to them?" is a critical reframing, one that affirms blk people's ways of knowing & being. SO grateful for how TMC's work does that.
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