THREAD: Misconceptions Corrected About the Birth of Yeshua #Sukkot
“It’s easy to lose sight of where the Bible ends and our own imagination begins.”

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” —John 17:17

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” —John 8:32
1. December 25th

No comment needed. We don’t know the exact day, but the scriptures and historical evidence points to fall season.

1: Luke 2:7-8
2: source included in image.
3: similar to #2
4: Bible
2. "Happy birthday Jesus!"

Whenever around that time He was born, He did not have a ceremony for His birth. Jews did not celebrate birthdays. To return to a culturally appropriate application, it is the celebration of the arrival of the Messiah.
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