questions to help ur moots get to know u better — a thread
before i start! u can skip any questions u dont feel comfy answering! + please qrt !!
1. preferred name(s)?
2. pronouns?
3. age?
4. favorite color?
5. sexuality?
6. favorite food ?
7. why did u join twitter?
8. favorite gc?
9. stan list?
10. r u in a relationship?
11. tag ur favorite oomf
12. favorite subject in school?
13. r any of ur irls moots w u?
14. r u neurodivergent?
15. favorite holiday?
16. have u been kicked from a gc?
17. what’s ur best joke?
18. how many pets do u have?
19. favorite sport?
20. rate ur personality 1-10
21. who’s ur comfort character?
22. comfort idol?
23. favorite song?
24. what animes do u watch?
25. how r u btw
26. what tws do u need?
27. worst subject in school?
28. what’s ur ult group
29. what do u wna be for halloween?
30. favorite social media?
31. what % is ur phone at?
32. who’s ur crush oomf? lolz ask them out what could go wrong
33. carrd link pls
34. how old is this tweet when u see it?
35. r u scared of getting rejected ?
36. what time is it for u?
37. do u wear glasses
38. dimples?
39. eye color?
40. lowest grade?
41. what’s ur phones password hehehehe
42. how many accs r u logged into
43. what side of stan twt r u on
44. do u know who the following r

adding more rn !!
45. do u have any fancams
46. do u know who this is
47. what is ur biggest flex
48. have u ever been cancelled
49. lol r u tired of answering questions
50. ggs or bgs
51. apple or android
52. have u ever confessed ur love to someone? only if u have had a crush before
53. have u heard this song before?
54. sorry for all of the fancams lol. but can u come up with a heterosexual explanation for this?
55. what was the best thing that happened to u this week
stream if u want i guess
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