But actually, I think it’s worth expanding on this. As many of you know, I’ve been unhappy in medicine for a long time. I got *much*’worse with ObamaCare. I’m not alone. Surveys of doctor burnout are horrific. But, like most, I soldiered on. 1/ https://twitter.com/amanda_pompili/status/1313528113821872130
When COVID-19 hit, I was disgusted by how doctors were treated as expendable drones by many on the left but particularly here in my state. It was an eye opening experience. As a result, my wife and I had a series of complaints conversations. 2/
She flat out said, “if you’re this unhappy you should retire.” I realized she was right. Since then , I’ve been making a series of choices to take care of myself and my family first. While I’m not exactly at the point where I can retire, I’m definitely changing how I work. 3/
Before, I definitely put work first. Now, I don’t. I now take some afternoons off, refuse to work weekends, evenings and holidays (except for my participation in the hospital rounding rotation). Moreover, I work hard to take care of myself and my family. 4/
I don’t know what my future in medicine is exactly but it doesn’t matter so much anymore. I know I can leave anytime I like and we’ll be fine financially and emotionally. It’s just a job and I wish I’d had this perspective all along. 5/
The left wants doctors to be indentured servants to the state but me, I’ll be retired so that will be the cross of the next generation of doctors to bear. I wish them luck. 6/6
And as an aside the lefty I quote tweeted at the beginning of this thread, I am indeed at home surrounded by my (remote learning) high schoolers eating left over pot roast for lunch without a care in the world.
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