It's like a broken record - that's scratched. Canada has an economic emergency | Jason Kenney via @YouTube
1) No one is investing in energy anywhere.
2) Environmental standards are important to investors, but - see above.
3) The oil and
gas industry is eliminating employment positions (jobs) as quickly as possible, using AI, automation and other methods.
4) Kenney is asking for more money and favours for the industry that kicked him in the a** when he gave them ...
his $4.7 billion "Job Creation Tax Cut."
6) Kenney ignores the large amount of financial assistance that the feds have sent to Alberta, to the point of no acknowledgement when announcing projects that are supported by fed funding.
7) Kenney continues ...
... to beat the drum for oil and gas to the exclusion of all other sectors of the economy, including the single largest group of job creators, SMALL BUSINESS.
8) Kenney, of all people, must understand that you can't ask for a candy bar as you poke your ...
fingers in the eyes of the person holding the candy bars.
9) Kenney doesn't learn, pivot or strategize beyond his initial ideas, costing all Albertans. O&G singular support, health care disasters, education cuts and antiquated curriculum change plans, ...
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