🔸”Vital signs and physical exam remain stable” — this is meaningless because:
- a deceased person has “stable” vital signs (not saying he is, just making the point)
- there is no such thing as a “stable” physical exam
- it doesn’t say anything about meds or procedures
🔸“ambulatory oxygen saturation level of 95-97%” — this just means his oxygen level is at least 95% while walking around, and doesn’t specify whether Trump
- needs oxygen to achieve these values (I suspect so based on last night’s gasping)
- receives respiratory treatments /3
- the relationship between the respiratory treatments and the oxygen saturation measurement. This is a critical missing piece of information b/c the measured values will be temporarily improved immediately after Trump gets a respiratory treatment
if you’ve ever been around someone with asthma, and you’ve seen them use a rescue inhaler, then you have an idea of the dramatic (but temporary) improvement that is possible with some of these treatments

TL;DR: 95% oxygen saturation in someone who can climb a flight of stairs without gasping for air has a *VERY* different meaning when we’re talking about someone on supplemental oxygen, steroids, and around-the-clock respiratory treatments.

🔸”Overall he continues to do extremely well” — filler.
🔸”I will provide updates as we know more” — this is Conley raising 🚩🚩🚩 again. It means there are many open questions. Reading between the lines, it means that Trump’s condition is tenuous…
How do I read that Trump’s condition is tenuous from “I will provide updates as we know more”?
🔸It’s doctor-speak for this exact thing
🔸If there was positive objective news to share, he’d shared it
🔸If there was negative news, he’d share it *if* Trump didn’t block him
And therein lies the problem with the current situation:
Conley has proven himself unable to advocate for the patient. In the event that Trump takes a turn for the worst, we will only know about it b/c Trump won’t be *able* to stop Conley: he’ll be sedated, intubated, or worse./9
Final thoughts:
Today’s 1700 hour will be revealing. If Trump doesn’t make an appearance after his dexamethasone dose this evening, I’m inclined to take that as a bad sign.

That is, unless, Conley is more forthcoming in his assessments, and Trump is more transparent overall.
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