What an experience I had yesterday.

Tell you, if you aren't directly exposed to something then you not even realise what others are going through. This is why it's so important to be empathetic and to also listen to the concerns of others.

I'm using a wheelchair for a few weeks as I recently did surgery on my knee. Almost EVERY building that I've been to since has little to no facilities where those in a wheelchair can access the building. Or even if you have crutches.
Even the buildings that have ramps, it's either:
-the ramps are too steep
-the ramps lead to steps
-the ramps are actually for delivery and not wheelchairs
-there are small inclines (like a few inches) randomly around the building that no chair can easily get over
Yesterday, because the ramps in this specific building all led to flights of steps I was stranded. Luckily the property manager walked by and saw me.

She and 4 other people had to help me to a basement entrance, down into the basement, and up to the floor (a 30-45min process).
All of this was done in the rain because these access points are not covered 🙂. And why would they be? This is where machinery and equipment enters the building.

So I got to the floor WET, DIRTY, and miserable.

Oh, I had to repeat this process to leave.
I would love to ask @MayorWilliamsJA if there are any established standards for building access points for the disabled in Kingston?

Because I've not seen any.

Throughout today, count the amount of public or private bathrooms that are wheelchair accessible. Not many places have this.

So you know that you either have to close the whole bathroom & walk with someone to help you or just hold it until you get home.
I've gone to a medical center that has a nice fancy ramp to get in. A place where people enter in wheelchairs and on crutches daily.

The ramp was steep! I had crutches then and had to hop on one foot up the entire thing. Risking another injury.
The tiles that are used are very important as well.

I nearly tore out back my leg in Tropical plaza twice because the crutches slid on the tiles (there was no rain).

Most places I've been, the tiles are very smooth. The chair either 'skid' or the crutches can't grip.
Also, so many of these elevators have huge gaps between the floor and the elevator so wheelchair front tires, being small as they are, get stuck when going through.

So you know the door has closed on me a few times.

Small things to you, big things to the disabled.
So I too saw all these disabled parking spaces, ramps, spacious elevators and maybe subconsciously thought that everything was ok. Things aren't that bad.

Nah. It's been terrible. And I may recover soon so I'll be able to walk but can you imagine those that are forced to go...
..through this every single day.

We have to do something about this. I don't know who or where to call but I'm just tagging @MayorWilliamsJA @christufton @themohwgovjm @Goffeman @AndrewHolnessJM @karlsamudamp
You can follow @guruintraining_.
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