Lucifer, the fallen angel, explained. a thread because exclus apparently don't know shit about this
(by the way, I'll be speaking from my personal knowledge, I was raised as a very strict Catholic, by very strict catholics only)
Lucifer was seen as a brilliant, beautiful angel, with a wonderful and magnificent personality (as the Bible says). He's describes as loyal, trustworthy, etc.

- Lucifer, while still being an angel along as God's son, he's describes as Jesus's direct older brother. +
Lucifer is also often describes as a Synonym of Satan, as it says in the bible "How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lucifer, son of the morning"
that is what implies he has fallen, he is no longer an angel so therefore people jump into thinking he automatically turns into Satan. +
Lucifer, who used to be a glorified angel, fell from heaven because he rebelled against his own father, God. he fell from heaven, how the Bible says, to establish his own kingdom, he became the Demigure.
He created the material world and trapped souls from heaven inside matter, +
that's what we nowadays know as hell.
Lucifer, after he has fallen, trapped people's souls inside his world, the world he fell into after falling from heaven.

- Lucifer, who used to be an angel, and still is God's son, even after his fall, is not seen as the same thing as +
Satan. Satan, as the Bible says, describes the Devil, also identified as the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
the Devil, aka. Satan and Lucifer have appeared on the bible at very different stages of writers and times.
I hoped that helped, if anyone still had questions, I'm open for it!
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