When Biden became the presumptive nominee, 89% of Sanders supporters committed to voting for him. The public option polls higher than Medicare for All. Biden's opening up a double-digit lead.

Bashing socialism feels obnoxious if you're a lefty but it's not politically unwise.
Biden wants Romney voters. He can build a new coalition that demands nothing from him beyond polite eulogies at funerals. The Lincoln Project, Cindy McCain, Colin Powell, David Frum...that's the party. They hate socialism more than Trump.
This dynamic will continue so long as progressives overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. "Socialism," even a watered down Nordic model, and the Democratic Party are fundamentally opposed. That's why Wall St. & Silicon Valley donate so much to Democrats. Follow the money.
Obama's approval rating among Democrats is 93%. Biden's is nearly as high. "Progressives" are not the base. They make the most noise and do the most work. But they're disposable to the party's interests.
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