At some point, a narcissist’s whole shtick implodes. Their fragile, porcelain facade cracks in too many places. They lose control of the narrative. They double down on increasingly unbelievable things.

And then the monument topples and the pigeons finally scatter.

There are always a few diehard hangers-on but they lose the crowd.

It has been so long with Trump - and his cult is so brainwashed by a propaganda machine bigger than him - I had more or less given up on his implosion ever coming.

It feels like we’re finally there though.

His routine has run its course.

It has been too much for too long; and it has been too much all at once.

His debate tantrum was eye-opening to people usually tunneled in on watching only Trump with no one beside him as contrast.

His COVID case fractured his many lies about coronavirus.

It isn’t going away. Even he isn’t well protected from it. And all of that is his own fault.

His facade of strength and competence and control has just sprung too many leaks.

When Trump took office, I figured it would take two years.

His narcissism would fully play itself out in a boom-bust cycle.

His many enablers have insulated, rescued and propped him up though.

It has just gotten to be too big a job.

All the Hannitys in the world can’t rehab the image of a guy gasping for air from the disease he said was a hoax.

This is the death spiral of a narcissist.

Took forever to get here.

Now, we get to help it along by shining as bright a light as possible on his every fraud and failure - especially the recent ones.

With narcissists, the bottom can just fall out all of the sudden.

And after all the times you thought it might but didn’t, it can leave you wondering “why this?” and “why now?”

The Eggman just falls off the wall.

And for a change, all the king’s men can’t fix it.

A big part of a narcissist’s success is the illusion of infallibility.

Run with the message that Trump has fallen.

He fell to Biden in the debate. He fell to COVID. He is falling like a rock in the polls.

I think Trump has finally entered the death spiral of a narcissist.

Help it along.

Amplify his failures and weaknesses.

Poor little Trumpty is teetering up on the wall.

Let’s push him off with both hands.

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