Things I do that leave the criminal justice system ‘hamstrung’:

* cross-examine vulnerable children with skill and care, agonising over every word to ensure their fairest evidence is given.

* sit with prisoners who are suicidal and then lie awake at night thinking about them.
* deal with harrowing material every single day - both violent and sexual - with absolutely no support whatsoever for what this might be doing to me.

* cancel family holidays, miss funerals, skip medical appointments because a trial has run over and I prioritise the witnesses.
* represent children as young as 13 in the care system who have no parents and who rely on me - and trust me - to advance their case.

* spend my weekends volunteering to train and teach the next generation of lawyers. For free.
* regularly undertake work that I will never, ever be paid for.

* be willing and able to pick up the work of others at the last minute - the night before - to help if they have a diary clash to ensure witnesses and complainants are not inconvenienced.
* get up at 4am and drive a 180 mile round trip for a 20min hearing.

* sit with mothers and partners and children and friends and explain. Then explain again.

* watch the hearts of human beings break, in real time, depending on the outcome of a case. Finding the right words.
* receive papers at 5pm. Read them, prepare them and be addressing a jury by 10am.

* advise people - sometimes volatile, aggressive, dangerous people - to plead guilty in tiny cell areas on my own. Ask them if they are sorry.
* quickly identify the signs of paranoid schizophrenia, illiteracy, addiction, exploitation, fear and bravado.

* liaise with mental health workers and doctors to ensure public safety.
* make decisions that could be the difference between a human being spending 15 years in a cell or not. Then wake up and do it again. And again. And again.

* do it all with no sick pay, no pension, no holiday pay, no HR department and no maternity leave.
Someone has left the criminal justice system ‘hamstrung’.

But it wasn’t the lawyers.
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