y'all remember when BigHit educated BTS & their staff abt Islam & Islamic culture before their concert in Riyadh? all of the women staff were wearing abaya, they muted the music when it was azan prayer time? remember when BTS didn't bow at the start or the end of the concert?
remember when redone the choreography so it would fit? 😔 i fcking love them so much 😔
yes, remember who passed the halal test? yoongi 😔💜
them muting the music 💜
their staff 💜
they didn't bow cuz in Islam we only bow to Allah,,
muslim and non muslim armys too follow me i love you all sm 🥺💜
forgot to add how jimin covered his golden mic cuz men arent allowed to wear gold in Islam but he wasnt even wearing it but he still covered it 🥺💜
at the end i just wanna thank everyone who respect Islam and respect us. thank you so so much for this 💜 and muslim armys, you're so important, so beautiful, bts and we all love you too, so cheer up. may Allah always protect this big family of all the armys and bts 🥺💜
woke up to this tweet blowing up, got a lot of dms asking more questions abt Islam in the most sweetest & respected way... i'm speechless...but thank you so much. you may think this is a small thing but to us, muslims, it means a lot 😭💜
what is halal test? it's not an actual real test lmao no 😂 just smth we called that showed how bts followed the rules bighit set for them when they did the concert. rules of not doing any sexc moves during dancing & stuff like that.
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