I recently tweeted about Soundarya Lahiri Sadhana, which evinced a lot of interests. Got many DMs asking for details,feel that this thread would be a reference for anyone wanting to take up Sadhana.

Dividing the thread:

- Introduction.
- Process.
- Benefits.
- Points to note.

Soundarya Lahiri is a poem written by Adi Shankara himself, when he had been to Kashmir.

It revolves around Shakti worship, with each sloka having a certain benefit when chanted.

Soundarya Lahiri activates the Kundalini Shakti of the sadhak after regular tapasya.

Mantras when initiated by Gurus have immense power. But, if you can't find a Guru, accept Shankara or Shakti as your Guru & start off.

Order to chant:
- Shuklambaradharam vishnum sloka: Salutation to Ganapati.
- Guru Brahmna sloka.
- Soundarya Lahiri 1st sloka (Once)
- Choose one sloka for karya siddhi (explained in benefits) chant 108 times.
- Soundarya Lahiri 100th sloka(Once)

This is the order with which you do the tapasya before Devi's potrait for over 48 days, between 3 am to 6 pm.


Offer honey as neivedhya, & consume it.

- Sloka for weak memory/concentration issues for students:
Sloka no: 3.

- Sloka for higher posts/respect in profession:
Sloka no: 25.

- Sloka for getting out of debts/ for wealth: Sloka no: 33.

You can choose the sloka as per your need, and chant it 108 times.
Points to note:

- It is very powerful when you chant for 48 days in the Brahma muhurta after taking bath.
- Visualize the feet of Parashakti when chanting the sloka.
- You can chant the sloka loudly at the start, but you must aim to mentally chant it later. It is more powerful.
- Practice satvik diet.
- Practice this Sadhana after your nithyakriyas.
- Be honest and maintain a positive attitude during the 48 days.
- You can take your father as Guru and ask him to initiate you into this.
- Check the pronunciations of each sloka properly. (YouTube)
I hope everyone who takes this Tapasya on, finds solace and achieves everything they aspire for by the Grace of Parashakti.

[New beginnings]
The timings to do the chanting is in the Brahma Muhurta: 3am to 6am.

Had made a typo as 3am to 6pm. Sorry for the error.
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