Last month someone did the kindest thing ever to me.

This story shows how kind strangers are...

Last month I had kidney stones. I passed them at the hospital. Still, I felt sick.

I told the docs. They said eh, it's just part of the kidney stones. Still, it felt diff...
I still felt horrible days later.

My bones hurt. I was struggling to walk and stand up straight. No fever, but felt like the flu. Suddenly, I got a huge rash on my chest.

I went to the hospital again. I thought it was kidney failure. Docs couldn't find a thing!
I called my best bud @_jacksmith. "Sounds like Lyme" he said. "Let me connect you to a bud"

I called his friend. This friend was an ex-hedge funder. She got lyme years ago. Due to frustrations with lyme treatment, she quit her fund and dedicate her time+money to lyme research.
She didn't ask my name. Had no idea who I was. Spent HOURS talking to me. Calming me, teaching me.

Then she booked me an appointment with a specialist 4 long term treatment

"Great" I said. "Do you know if they accept insurance?"

"Don't worry about it. I paid for it" she said
I went to the doc. Did tests. It was Lyme. He treated me and I'm feeling so much better.

For many, Lyme is not diagnosed until later on and can ruin lives. I'm lucky and will likely be perfect within next few weeks.
While I'm not a "somebody", I do have a good job and can pay for my own doctor.

But this lady didn't know that.

"Its expensive and I didnt want price to hold you back so I just did it before you could say no"

The bill was tens of thousands for treatment!

She paid ALL of it.
I was nearly in tears by her generosity.

At this point, I had Bells Palsy (paralyzed face), could barely talk, walking hurt, was very sick.

I was down and felt miserable, low, and afraid. So, having someone to guide me was a huge deal.
Now, I was afraid to tell this story publically because its a very rich person paying for me, someone who's already blessed and privileged.

But this woman had no idea who I was (she does now).

And after talking to the doc, he said "she does this all the time".
I started researching her.

So far, she's given $100m plus away to medical research.

Not only that, according to the doctor and others I spoke to, she's paid for private treatment for dozens, maybe hundreds of people.
I've become buds with this woman. She asked me not to mention her. So I won't.

But I had to tell this story.

I'm no expert, but my experience clearly shows the healthcare system is messed up.

Had I not had access to her + money, I'd be fucked.
I don't know how to address that problem, but it's true. Had I been a gardener who got Lyme with no connections + money, my life could have been ruined.

Second, I wanted to share just how generous strangers can be. I was at my lowest when sick, and she helped me.
I will have to figure out a good way to repay this favor and pass it on.

Some type of donation or helping others like this is for sure something I need to do. Not sure yet what it'll be, but I'll figure something out.

People are good!
And btw I was in the hospital for ~3 days.

They said they weren't sure it was lyme (tests are awful, take longtime. They didn't even give me any antibiotics.

1 day later i woke up with a completely paralyzed face + couldn't walk.

Since taking antibiotics, I've improved SO much
I thought I was having a stroke. So, the fact that I had a specialist on call due to this lady was literally a life saver.
Also: I know 0 about the healthcare system. I'm not arguing for 1 thing.

All I'm saying is that I, because of money and connections, was 100% better off than a poor person with nothing.

I LOVE capitalism. But can easily acknowledge that we can do a better job w/ healthcare
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