THREAD - 12 Takeaways from the @Navalmanack
(1/12) Reading is exercise for the brain. Read. Read what you love until you love to read. Then, focus on the fundamental texts in each field to build a rock-solid foundation. Read broadly and deeply. Learn math, logic, science, and micro-econ.
Read biographies, read philosophy, read fiction. Taleb. Feynman. Munger. Don't be intimidated by Naval. Looking at his reading list makes his clarity of thought shows a clear cause and effect.
(2/12) Four kinds of luck.

1. Dumb luck. You win the lottery. You can't count on this.
2. Hustle luck. Probable but unpredictable. Fortune favors the bold. Increase your surface area for serendipity.
3. Preparedness + Judgement Meets Opportunity.
3 (cont). You have an eye for trends and skills to capitalize on them. When its in front of you, make your move.
4. Deterministic Luck. Specific Knowledge, Reputation and Accountability Meet Opportunity. You skills are so specific that all related opportunities flow to you.
(3/12) Inspiration is perishable.

When the muse appears, lean into it.

When you are lucky enough to catch an "intellectual runners high" keep running.

Impatience with action. Patience with results.
(4/12) Compound Interest

All returns in life come from compound interest. If what you build compounds, you elevate your long term potential and accelerate your rate of progress.

This is true of relationships, investing, and content creation.
(5/12) Long Term Thinking

Wisdom is how far into the future you look when evaluating consequences of a decision.

Most greedy algorithms are suboptimal in the long run.
(6/12) Happiness is a Skill

Everyone can improve baseline happiness with intentional effort. Happiness is a choice. Practice gratitude. Appreciate blessings.

Desire is a contract to be unhappy until you get what you want.
(7/12) Question Modernity

The older the question the older the answer. Eat a Lindy diet focused on whole foods.

Less screens more happiness. Barbells and body weight over machines.
(8/12) Skin In The Game

You are rewarded in proportion to assumed risk.

Win or lose under your own name.
(9/12) Leverage
You will not get wealthy renting out your time

1. Delegate (humans work for you)

2. Automate (robots work for you 24/7 via cloud computing and code)

3. Media (produce 0 marginal cost replication assets: videos, blogs, and podcasts). Bonus points- these compound
(10/12) Authenticity & Intuition

Escape competition by being your authentic self. Nobody can compete with you on being you.

Your specific knowledge will be a product of your natural obsessions and abilities.

You can't outwork someone who's work is play to them.
(11/12) Reputation

Act with integrity. It's the best long term play.

This is the only way to enjoy the compounding benefits of relationships.
(12/12) Curation is Value Creation

Reduce the pressure on yourself to be original.

@RyanHoliday has made a career out of summarizing and contextualizing 3 dead authors to modern times.

@naval is just the synthesis of his reading list and life experience.
@EricJorgenson created massive value by turning Naval's twitter account and a few interview podcast episodes into a book.
(12+/12) A few quotes for fun

- The mind is just as malleable as the body

- Understand ethical wealth creation is possible. If you secretly despise wealth, it will elude you.

- When playing, surround yourself with people happier than you.
This barely scratches the surface.

Read the damn book.

@jackbutcher @EricJorgenson @Navalmanack
(end of thread)
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