At 🤠, we spend a lot of time with our seed companies on their Series A pitches. While most founders have a good sense of what needs to be in it (comp matrix, P&L, etc.) many miss the narrative top Series A firms look for.

Sharing views on a strong Series A pitch below✍️
1/ Proof of the billion+ opportunity

By Series A, you should have early data points that support a massive market opportunity (deal sizes, volume of deals, etc.). The picture may not be 100% clear, but there should be market feedback driving you to raise more venture capital.
2/ Clear framing of the “why now”

Seed investors are used to raw pitches. The presentation style is more conversational and we often discover the founder's perspective on "why now" through an open discussion. By Series A, this narrative needs to be clear and in the pitch.
3/ Why you’re the best team to partner with

Big opportunities attract smart people and if you’ve gotten to Series A, you'll likely have competitors. It’s not enough to list them, you need to pitch why your team’s the best one to partner with.
4/ Signs of momentum

Are customers begging for additional features? Are there too many leads for the team to handle? There should be signals that things are starting to work which is why more capital is needed.
5/ Product roadmap alignment with the long-term vision

It's tempting to put together a product roadmap slide that just lists upcoming features. A much better framing is to present how the near-term roadmap aligns with the long-term company vision.
6/ How you’re measuring success

Series A investors want to know how the success of their investment will be tracked. The north star metrics the company is driving towards, and how they align with building a massive company, should be clear.
7/ The ROI from your product

By Series A, the ROI your product provides should be clear. You should know why users are adopting and continuing to use it.
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