As early voting is already underway, I'm proud to announce the endorsement of a final slate of People First candidates ahead of Election Day.

Check out these great candidates and pitch in to People First to help us get out the vote in these last 28 days.
Like so many Americans, @harrisonjaime knows what it's like to struggle. As the son of a single mother, Jaime understands the challenges families are facing, and will work tirelessly for more opportunity for SC families.
Throughout his career, @repbenraylujan has fought for a people first agenda to support hardworking New Mexico families. He's been dedicated to creating good paying jobs, expanding access to health care, and protecting New Mexico's environment and natural resources.
. @ossoff inspired the nation with a bold campaign that fought for a level playing field and greater opportunity for all Americans. He has spent his career fighting for an America where everyone counts and against corruption and abuses of power. He's the leader Georgia needs.
. @ReverendWarnock inherited a pulpit from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and has spent his career in service of Dr. King's legacy, advocating for the least among us and fighting injustice wherever it may be. As a senator, Rev. Warnock will bring that same service to Washington.
Having traveled across the Silver State during my campaign, I met countless Nevadans who want leaders who will fight for them. @PAckermanNV will be one of those leaders—fighting for justice in health care, education, immigration, and climate policy that serves Northern NV.
As an attorney, @stephendaniel has taken on the insurance and pharmaceutical Industries gouging hardworking Texas families trying to get by. In Congress, Stephen will work to guarantee affordable health care and lower prescription drug prices for every Texan.
More than ever, we need leaders in Congress who are laser focused on the life-or-death challenges we face, such as climate change, healthcare, and quality affordable housing. @BethDoglio will be a leader Washington can trust to tackle these challenges and more.
When so many are struggling, we need leaders in Congress like @FreelandCO5 who will fight to expand health care, create good jobs, and help Colorado families recover from the coronavirus. Jillian will bring much needed experience and a forward-thinking approach to Congress.
As a first-generation American whose parents fled a civil war, and an employment advocate and attorney, @LuluForTexas knows the challenges working families are facing and has spent her career in service to her community, fighting back against discrimination and injustice.
After the loss of the Rep. John Lewis this year, Georgia deserves a successor with a track record of fighting for the vision he stood for—that's @NikemaWilliams. Nikema is an excellent public servant, a champion for marginalized communities, and will make us proud in Congress.
You can follow @JulianCastro.
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