Anirudh Roy Chaudhary according to him either things are black or when bondita lied n that thug looted gaonwala it was a plot n lie for him by being thugs aide which is bigg..Study is everything for him n to educate her he fought with family+

+ but den bonditas action to him felt like she is uninterested(teacher track n going away when ani was teaching) he rejected kaka babu a lot but on that day when he saw him bowing down that became last straw for he asked bondita to leave as he felt loser

he never saw INDIA of that time coz he was in London as adult n being kid of Roy Chaudharys away frm all he dint knew what 'Chodi Hui Aurat' suffers..n mini blackmailed him emotionally as Abla Nari firstly being mentally depressed n later with blind drama

+ N now with being in same room at night😏..He actually came back to fight for Indian Women's Rights so he helped mini as a friend but now wen he has to marry her his love(b4) he is dejected 😭 he is thinking abt bonu ❤
He is truly a gem

P.S. - I wanted pati babu to be slapped but my perspective i am expressing Ani's Pov not taking anyones side

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