NEW INTERVIEW: Former Chairman of Sony Entertainment on Nintendo's Everlasting Intellectual Property

'Mario is probably impervious to extinction'

Nintendo has 100 years of experience in gaming.

'They are the masters in this field'
'As a platform holder, our job is to create a wider audience, continually.'
'I think Nintendo really understands the game design maxims for a handheld platform and then how to leverage their very powerful IP vault in that medium.'
It seems Fortnite and Roblox is additive to the industry and not exactly zero-sum vs AAA games?
Parallels between gaming and film IP

'because gaming is so tied to technology (which) has to keep moving forward in order to bring more immersive experiences, previous generation games are not compatible with the new technology'
'If you talk about the IP power of gaming, it’s true, but it has these breaks in the cycle, where entire franchises can disappear, because you can’t access them anymore''
The faster technology moves, the greater the challenge in sustaining the value of the IP

'Given their history, I think it would be very difficult for Nintendo to do a bad iteration of Mario'
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