YES it’s a conspiracy - and YOUR family is being targeted!

Here are 4 ways you’re being kept under the thumb of your rulers

(Hint: it's not what you think)


1. Music
2. News
3. Food
4. TV/Movies

“It occurs to me that the best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people” - Billy Ray Valentine, Trading Places

Understand this truth and you understand the world

The primary occupation of the world's super-rich producers is to REMAIN super-rich
Faced with losing that status most would sooner choose death

So logically, we must assume that their decisions are generally made with the primary goal of remaining ‘on top’

What’s the best way to remain ‘on top’?

How do they do that?

By creating products that achieve two primary aims:

1: Make you addicted, so you buy and consume as much as possible

2: Freeze you in time, so you never transcend the product’s usefulness

Hooked + Stagnant = infinity money
So they aren't rigging the game as much as they're kneecapping the players

And who are the players?

If you’re reading this, you likely are

As am I, and as is anyone who strives for greatness

And how are we being handicapped?

By being weakened at every turn!
Time + exposure = normalization

If a person wants something to become ‘normalized’, all they have to do is ensure enough of the population is exposed to it for a sufficient length of time

What a convenient fact for those in charge of our collective consumption!
If you control the levers of consumption you can normalize whatever you want

And the people controlling our levers WANT US STAGNANT

So they ensure what we consume makes us addicted, distracted, weak, or all three

And we in turn consume more

While achieving less

How? Dig in:
1. Music

Music doesn’t become popular organically (usually)

And it certainly doesn’t become popular because the artists are talented

Music becomes popular because someone DECIDES IT SHOULD BE popular

And who is making those decisions? Our friends from the first few tweets
So they load you up with indulgent odes to substance abuse and debauchery

Destructive sonic distractions

Not because these things sell (marketing sells music, subject matter is hardly relevant)

But because they lead you down a magnetic path from which it's hard to stray
Ask: does the music I’m listening to inspire me to get BETTER?

Because music can do that

I’s a valuable tool in that way, and should be used as such

They want you to say here “it’s just an escape man, take it easy”

But there are some escapes from which you can never return!
2. News

"The world is on fire"

"It's dangerous to go outside"

"Your neighbors are your enemy"

“We’re as divided as ever”

These statements are only true if you believe them

And if you’re exposed to them long enough, you WILL believe them
The news exists to keep you addicted to panic

When you’re panicked, you can focus on nothing but assuaging that panic

You're using valuable brainpower empathizing with people a world away

While those most in need of your protection (your family) are ignored

Hooked & Stagnant
Our brains weren’t designed to care about the wellbeing of every single person on this earth

There are ~7.8 billion of us

Something terrible is happening at all times

But is your family healthy and happy?

Is your community strong?

Focus there first!
3. Food

There is no greater indicator of your future health and wellbeing than what you decide to shove in your mouth on a daily basis

Nothing ravages your spirit, your hormones, your very CELLS like the standard modern diet

And this is precisely what they want
So they create profitable, addictive food

Knowing full well the more of it you consume

And the longer you consume it

The less likely you are to ever change

You're locked in a cycle that ensures THEIR generational security

Hooked & Stagnant = infinity money
But this power goes away if you break the cycle

Just as a poor diet compounds you into darkness

Making you one of their most profitable customers

A good diet will compound you right back into the light

Which direction does your diet take you and your family?

Choose wisely
4. TV/Movies

Video media is hypnotic

And hypnotized is exactly how they want you

Transfixed, unable to shift your gaze

All the while conditioning your brain to need MORE

As the real world (and your place in it) floats farther and farther from your grasp
As addictive as the medium is, its themes are equally stagnating

We’re bombarded with images of crime, violence, infidelity

Normalizing failure and depravity

Again not simply because these things sell, but because they FREEZE YOU in time and space

Hooked & Stagnant
It doesn’t have to be this way

And it hasn’t always been this way

Not long ago our media producers raced to produce fulfilling, inspiring content

Did they have any trouble ‘selling it’?

Of course not!

Was it not profitable?

Of course it was!

And it can be again
The theme I’m sure you’ve noticed is that everything you’re being sold

Everything presented to you for consumption

Your ONLY OPTIONS in many cases

Appeals to your BASEST instincts

And when we follow our base instincts, we stray further from our potential

Every single time
And so we’ve discovered the perpetual motion machine used to keep the wealthy ‘on top’

SOMETHING must be sold regardless

The most profitable customers are always the most addicted

And the most profitable products keep you frozen in time, never transcending their expediency
So if an addicted customer is profitable

A stagnant customer is doubly so

Because he consumes a product fanatically

And never FATHOMS a world in which HE MIGHT NOT NEED IT

And the side effect?

He becomes a prisoner who only consumes, never creates
So stop being a prisoner, and have your family follow suit

Build something


Produce it from your own mind

Because by definition:

The more you produce, the less you consume

And this is what scares them most of all!
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