2. The Breitbart article claimed that Senator Thom Tillis contracted COVID-19 at a White House event even though he was wearing a mask

If this were true the story would be silly. But it was a lie

Tillis was photographed indoors at the event w/o a mask

4. Popular Information sent the article to @LeadStoriesCom, one of Facebook's fact-checking partners. Lead Stories reviewed the article, and ruled that it was inaccurate.

This is where things get interesting

5. In July, Breitbart published a Facebook video claiming hydroxychlorquine was a "cure" for COVID. Facebook staff asked Zuckerberg how Breitbart could still be part of Facebook News. Zuckerberg said a publisher is removed if it gets 2 strikes in 90 days https://popular.info/p/facebook-gives-breitbart-a-pass-for
6. But Facebook now says this second negative fact check is not a "strike," in part because Breitbart deleted their Facebook post after the fact-check was published.

But before the deletion, the post was shared almost 3K times

8. Facebook has a lot of policies that sound very reasonable. But the enforcement is often lacking.

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9. CODA: Breitbart is the 8th most successful publisher on all of Facebook. In August it had more engagement than the NYT!

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