I was a labbie and then a teacher at the college I went to. I always tried to be the kind of teacher I wanted. Admittedly this was not the same kind of teacher most of my students wanted. Evident from bad reviews, and threats of violence.

FTR: This meant trying to engage students and get them to learn something new with every lesson/lab activity. To hold them to realistic real-world standards. Tests/lessons should be challenging, but not impossible. And A's only given to those who put in effort/excelled

In the end, I had to leave that job because the administration wouldn't back me trying to give good students the education they deserved and paid for. I kept trying and was told, "Just pass everyone. They paid." This is what students and administration wanted, but not me.

When it comes to relationships and friendships, I have similar struggles. Does this person want me to push harder or back off? Are they withdrawing but really want someone to try?

Often times I find myself pulling away but deep down really hope someone will push past my walls. Is that what they want? Is that what I'm supposed to do? Or should I take them at their word/actions? I know what sort of friend *I* would want, but is that what they want?

Friends often come to me for advice or answers. Sometimes for deeper subjects. Sometimes just "Phan would know this... I'll ask him." Not totally sure why they assume I would know some things, but it is what it is. I'll help if I can. It's what I do.

When I don't have answers, I feel guilty. Like I've failed. Even when it's things there was no good answer for or no reasonable expectation that I *could* answer or help.

So not knowing the correct course of action when I see a friend hurting or pulling away? It eats at me.

I want to help. I want to fix it. I feel a need to fix it, or at least help. But I don't know how. I think I know what *I* would want, but they're not me. And I've definitely gotten this wrong in the past, with disastrous results.

Do I push? Will they get angry and pull further away? Do I back off and do what part of me sometimes resents others for? What if they pull away to the point of disconnection entirely?

Not getting this right was a big factor in my marriage failing. I didn't know what they needed and I got it wrong because I did what had worked for me. That eats at me. My failure. If I had been a better partner or a better friend - maybe we wouldn't be here.

I don't want to fuck up like that again. I've lost too many people and ruined too many relationships getting it wrong. Not sure what to do, but I need to keep trying to get it right. That's what friends do.


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