I don't know whether you've ever noticed this or not, but there is an idea in many streams of western Christianity that seems to place the onus of all of our wrongs and all of our successes solely on us as individuals. 1/
Week four of my MDiv and I'm reading Origen (an early church writer who was eventually considered a heretic) and I think I might have found where this idea comes from. 2/
He said that “every rational soul is possessed of free will and choice”, and it is “engaged in a struggle against the devil and his angels and the opposing powers.” This view of a soul as a 'blank slate' was unencumbered by any connections with other souls. It was on its own. 3/
This idea was still very present in the church I grew up in. 4/
Unfortunately the fact that it wasn't squashed in Origen's time doesn't mean it isn't deeply problematic, as it creates a notion of completely separate, totally independent souls that have neither need for nor impact on those souls around them. 5/
In this theological framework there is no impact of trauma, no ramifications from homelessness and no benefit from supporting one another through difficult times. There is only independence and isolationism and 'getting what you deserve'. 6/
This wasn't the heresy that Origen was deemed heretical over. That was more of a Christian view of reincarnation. But since we're staring many of the social injustices that come out of this in the face right now, it might be time to reconsider what we think of it. 7/7
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