This makes me mad.

All my life I’ve worked multiple jobs to enable myself to do anything remotely creative. So do most creatives I know.

I’m currently working on SEVEN separate jobs and I still make peanuts compared to others in other sectors, and I was before COVID.
It doesn’t matter because the system was already rigged against creatives, the sector has never been supported, yet all everyone has done during lockdown is CONSUME THE ARTS in various forms.

Treat the arts with some respect.
And by the way, your creative friends, they aren’t just creatives.

They’re also their own managers, accountants, agents, advertising specialists, social media managers... the list goes on!

That’s probably ON TOP OF working part time at a bar or temping in an office.
I currently:

- perform comedy
- teach comedy
- run a comedy night / group / youtube channel
- DJ
- edit video
- edit audio
- graphic design
- design websites
- illustrate
- animate
- social media
- work in an office doing loads of the above
There’s probably more I can’t think of right now because I’m too angry. I’d like to see Rishi do any of the above.
So sod off telling me or any creative they should retrain. They already ARE trained. They ALREADY work other jobs. They already work JUST AS HARD if not harder than you. Everybody’s job is EQUALLY valuable.

Makes me mad.
You can follow @MrJattski.
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