i’m really fucking sick of school. like, i’m not LEARNING anything. all that i’m getting out of school is stress and pressure to get good grades (because for some reason that measures how smart i am!). this isn’t about learning anymore. it’s about passing. and the scary /1
thing is, teachers encourage that attitude? that everything’s okay as long as you “pass”? idk. the american education system doesnt sit right with me. like, as a former “gifted” kid, its really hard for me to keep up and focus on assignments, and i just can’t perform /2
the same as i used to be able to, and its just so frustrating that the education system doesn’t acknowledge that us students have personal lives, yk? we have feelings. we get overwhelmed easily. and they provide so little opportunities for students that learn in different /3
ways. like, thats sumn that i REALLY struggle with. do they really expect me to be able to read a textbook for 20 minutes and then answer 40 questions on it? bro my ass cant focus on a book for that long 😭 idk. its just so frustrating. especially /4
because they dont give us a fUCKING BREAK. like, its just assignment on assignment on assignment... and its piling up too quickly. im struggling so bad bro. anyway yeah thats the end ill stfu /srs /5
dude i just talked about like 20 different things at once—sorry if this thread didnt make sense i am thinking many thoughts rn
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