I don't know who needs to hear this (me lol) but you are not defined by your performance and the ridiculously high standards and unrealistic expectations you set for yourself.
Whenever I talk about performance psychology or productivity, some people interpret it as me forcing a toxic Silicon Valley 100hrs/week mentality onto others, and think it's about money.

Exhibit A: https://twitter.com/kim_crawley/status/1308510571654938627?s=19
Some people find joy in the feeling of productivity, others obsess about it and can't control it even when it gets unhealthy (me lol). There's a spectrum for everything.

For me, it's not about money or glorifying "toxic Silicon Valley standards". It's me.
I don't endorse the 100h work-week "grind until ur a millionaire" mentality. It sets unhealthy expectations.

But not everyone is a "bootlicker" motivated by other people's expectations. Some people are just overly driven and have issues controlling the critic in their own head.
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