Conspiracy theories predictions to expect if the President dies:

The HE’S NOT DEAD category

- He faked his death to run the underground government to ferret out child traffickers
- A body double died and he is running the country from a shadow presidency won by secret ballots
The HE’S NOT DEAD category continued:

- the Soros-funded media/NWO has colluded to report his death

The HE’S DEAD category:

- he didn’t die of COVID but was poisoned by his doctors
- he didn’t die of COVID but was poisoned by democrats
- he died of COVID but Dems infected him
- he died of COVID but his doctors were democratic plants and treated him incorrectly
- he died of COVID but his doctors weren’t doctors
Anyhow, read the wonderful @BostonJoan to learn about Prebunking:
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