Thanks for all your concerns and thoughts. Much appreciated. While it is very sad to see our beloved home under water again, it is even sadder to see communities with very little resources go through catastrophic losses again . Climate change is real and here to stay. /1
Comprehensive and sustainable solutions are hard to come by as factors contributing to these floods are far reaching and out of our control including dams releasing water upstream due to pressure from heavy rains. The water seeps into the ground and rises from all sides. /2
In this circumstances, solutions like diverting excess dam waters upstream, dredging the rivers may work but require coordinated efforts, sometimes from multiple governments. In our community, solutions have to focus more on coping mechanisms and economic recovery efforts. /3
These include sustainable building designs i.e lifting homes onto stilts, raising water tanks. Economic support of farmers ie. free seed programs, yam storage facilities on higher ground, alterations to school academic schedules. A task force to tackle climate change solutions/4
Such a task force would have to address the issue from a policy standpoint, engineering, water management, disaster relief, economic recovery, health. Also worth mentioning that these floods create seasonal climate change refugees putting severe stress on both them and hosts. /5
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