Today at 4pm! We will be starting with the live tweeting shortly. Please join and engage. We will have sign language interpretation. The session is open to all!

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Meeting ID: 812 6307 8643
" A lot of legislations have been passed without consultations, which is against the democratic process. Same is with legislations around Abortion" - @DipikaJain2019
"A lot of legislations have been passed without deliberation and the democratic process. Both the process and content are questionable. The laws have been drafted under a cloak of secrecy. There are several gaps." - @DipikaJain2019
"We are striking because we were not given any information about COVID-19. Then, we were not given equipments despite writing letters. We got equipments very later but they were not of goof quality" - Sunitaji, ASHA Worker
"We were beaten for protesting by police officials" - Sunitaji, ASHA Worker
"3 key aspects - realm of criminalisation, problems of process undertaken by NLU-D Committee, and impact of decriminalisation of s.312, IPC" - Nikita Sonavane, @CPAProjectIndia
"MTP Bill is NOT a rights-based legislation. There were no stakeholder consultations. Drafting of bill was done in isolation." - Nikita Sonavane, @CPAProjectIndia
"The conversation around carcerality is difficult to have, because gender is tied to the carceral conversation. The idea of gender, has always been an idea of control." @vqueeram, @CLPRtrust
"After the 1930s, during study of intersex kids, is when the idea of gender - as an imagination of the psychology of sex came about." - @vqueeram , @CLPRtrust
"There is no importance given to the perspective of a disabled person, whenever a law is being made. It is considered as the largest minority, therefore their voice is not heard." @saysnidhigoyal , @RisingFlameNow
"Law is deeply tied to politics. Marginalised people are often ignored, because the democracy works on vote bank politics. Our numbers (that of disabled people) are less and that's why it is easy to ignore us." - @saysnidhigoyal , @RisingFlameNow
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